Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 23, 2010

As I printed the date for the last meeting, it occurred to me that we are fast coming up on Three Rivers Crochet 5th anniversary. We started out 4 strong in March 2005. A strong core of enthusiasts have remained constant in the group with an ever growing number of new members who have added to its vitality.

I enjoyed crocheting before I joined the group. My goal in joining the group was to challenge myself and grow. I had no idea that this group would exceed my expectations. I believe I am a better crocheter now and even a better person. I honestly regret that every yarn enthusiast out there doesn't have a group of his/her own, too.

As you can see, Roxanne has fulfilled her promise of more pillows for the Yarn Ball. Just as when other items are completed, they'll be stored carefully away until their big day.

Karen has just knitted up some alpaca socks for Highland Alpaca. She has been instrumental in Highland developing new lines of blended yarns, and providing free patterns designed especially for their yarns.

Lyn has just made two crocheted toys. The lamb is so soft and cute! The airplane is from Amugurumi Toys 2. How do cute babies keep getting into pictures with crocheted items?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roxanne Helps with Plans

This coming year we are trying to get more of our group interested in working on items for the Yarn Ball ahead of time. We'd like to do a bit more about planning the items, so that we have things that may be more appealing to the tastes and purses of the friends and family coming to the ball.
Roxanne is modeling 2 scarves that were not selected at the ball; she will be passing them on to the Friends in Shadyside who have contact with needy families. Roxanne has also offered to make throw pillows for the ball. She's holding up her sample. It kind of makes me think of a green striped zebra. This is an excellent pattern for this particular yarn; since you can get strange patterns sometimes when using crochet stitches. This pattern is unbelievably balanced.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Projects

Carol thought that this tam would be good to sell at the Yarn ball. However, with all the increases and decreases Carol's not so sure she wants to do all that counting. Theresa was gracious enough to model. I think the tam is cute and youthful looking.
I've just finished a baby blanket named Sweet Dreams from the book Tunisian Crochet: the look of knitting with the ease of crocheting by Sharon Hernes Silverman. I used a brushed acrylic that's heavier than the yarn used and a bigger hook. I kept the size the same. The bottom picture shows the Tunisian pattern and the back looks knitted. (other pic). She explains everything in great detail. So I think this is a good buy.
However, if you need visual instruction, Kim Guzman's DVD with Tunisian Lace is excellent.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kitty's First Time at 3RC

Kitty arrived at Panera's for the first time last Saturday. She says that she picked up some tips. I'm really glad she had a good time. With so many people at the meeting I didn't get much chance to talk to her.
I did find out that the shawl she is wearing is a pattern that is 40 years old. She is very speedy and has probably made 40 in the past 6 months. It's very fine, made with doubled thread. I like that it has an atypical shape which makes it unique. Kitty is selling them on Etsy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What else on the 9th?

Just a quick pic to remind everyone: it's never too soon to learn to crochet!

Well Saturday the 9th was the last day to turn in hats to go with the team to Guatemala. I managed to finish off 5 "smiley" hats. Peggy made a special stop on the way home with her father from the hospital: how charitable is that? Hope your dad is doing well, Peggy. Approximately, 120 -130 hats were made to be handed out.

We all oohed and aahed over Marylen's contribution to the Yarn Ball. She wanted the afghan to go to the vet's and we took one last look as it was packed away for delivery to its new home. Those Steeler colors are always a hit.

The big felted bootie was made by Karen. There's a plan for this bootie but it got past me. Karen is always planning, and I can't always keep up with her.

Finally we have Amelia sporting her winter outfit I made for her for her shower. I must say she looks great in it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Was at the Jan. 9 Meeting?

Theresa found beautiful handmade buttons for the purple cardigan which we've shown before. But it's those finishing touches that really make a garment special. It took awhile to find those perfect buttons : the right size, the right color, and unique.

I think we showed Pat's sweater that she took a year to complete. She found that the yarn had wool in it and couldn't wear it. She thought she might take the sweater apart and give the yarn away, but we all said find someone to give it to.
On Saturday, Pat asked Chris to try on the sweater and when it fit her so well, Pat gave it to her. I'm so glad someone will get to enjoy the sweater.

Carol brought in 2 more baby blankets for Linus Project and also brought another (yellow) from her friend Patti.

Friday, January 8, 2010

What the Group Had to Show on Jan 2

With the holidays over, people brought in just finishing up projects.

Becky found this hat design and polished it off and put it on.
Is this too cute or what? Becky looks good in hats and this one is no exception. Talk about an interesting design from any angle.

Can you guess? I have no idea who made the cute little hats. Look cuddly warm.

I know Rebecca made the two scarfs from donated yarns that were matched up together in a bag by Lynn. Rebecca likes how Lynn puts yarns together and we all like how Rebecca crochets them up.

Carol crocheted up another baby 'ghan by matching up yarns. She also had a lot of yarns from Freecycle that she recently collected. People were picking up yarns as they considered what projects they went with.

Last but not least, the first knit "cable" sweater is in. Theresa has been working on this stunner for quite awhile: a project originating from last year's challenge to make a cabled sweater (Karen and I won!). However, if we go by the number and kinds of cables, this sweater wins hands down. Think Theresa is happy with this accomplishment? She certainly out to be.
(I know for certain there is another cable sweater on needles out there. Soon to be unveiled???)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Carol's Camera Steps In

On January 2nd we had a large group show up. I, however, showed up with neither my old camera nor my new one. As you can see projects were all over the place and tomorrow I'll post them. Carol was on a roll with the camera, taking pictures for me, so she kept going. She got these candid shots when people weren't zipping off to get goodies at the counter in Panera's. If everyone looks happy it's because they are. They're "yarning" with friends. A great start to a New Year!